Biomimetics and its application in the development of Robotics

Have you ever wondered where the design and function characteristics of robots come from? Why do they have shapes similar to a person or animals like a dog or a spider? This is what biomimetics is all about.
Biomimetics, according to the website “is based on a key idea: nature always operates according to the concepts of economy and efficiency while generating no waste”.
So what is the relationship between robotics and biomimetics?
In the world of robotics, innovation is essential to achieve constant technological improvement, so biomimetics is a source of observation and study of the different mechanisms existing in nature to solve problems.
Consequently we can find solutions to our problems by applying what is observed in nature, in this sense we can observe robots with legs and arms like those of a person or legs like those of a spider.
Biomimetics is an example of the role of how robotics is used as a tool that is available to people to address problems to be solved in the world. It allows us to explore how far we can go with our limitations, overcoming some and discovering others.
What else can we expect in the world of robotics?
Robotics has gone from a subject with many complexities and limitations in its applicability to being an integral part of our lives. This has brought with it the incorporation of other areas of knowledge needed to make robotics more accessible in the world.
There are technologies that are fundamental to meet the challenges of the new technological industrial revolution. In recent years, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence have been incorporated into the daily life of man. These technologies were limited in their application only to companies with sufficient economic capacity for their development, now it is expanding in different daily areas of society.
Our challenge in the face of technological development
Thanks to this great leap in technology, the quality of life for human beings will improve. So, it is important that we focus on the objective of caring for the environment, curing diseases, improving education, industry, communication, etc.
There is much more to know in the world of science, I invite you to investigate more about this topic, discuss your doubts with your parents and friends! If you found this article interesting, remember to share it on your networks. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.