Green Business Certification

Dec 16


Understanding and actively tackling global warming’s impact has never been more important. This urgency means we have to work collectively and quickly to reduce the impact and create lasting change. This is why we see our own communities using more sustainable practices such as recycling or using renewable energy.

In order to restore and care for our planet, businesses have a responsibility to be part of the solution. As a business, we must ask ourselves: Is our company part of this sustainable movement?

A growing number of companies are formally becoming green business-certified. These businesses blend environmental sustainability into their values, operations, products, and services. Let’s explore what green businesses are and the certification process.

What is a green business?

Green businesses operate on the basis of sustainability in order to positively impact their community and the environment. We see these sustainability efforts in daily operations such as purchasing, manufacturing, and supplying products and services.

Green companies hold an ecological responsibility for their practices. Some examples are basic recycling, reusing and repurposing materials, and implementing renewable energy.

Green company certification

Green business certification is a standard qualification that guarantees the implementation of sustainable practices for the environment.

Some examples of these organizations in the United States are:


Why become a green company?

Green business programs aim to reduce the negative impact of global economic activities on our planet in order to build sustainable communities and improve the quality of life.

This recognition brings benefits such as:

  • Becoming an active solution to environmental challenges.

  • Conserving valuable resources and protecting the environment.

  • Creating networking opportunities and developing a sense of community.

  • Receiving positive public recognition for the effort made.

  • Saving money on energy, water, and waste bills.

EcoRobotik’s green company certification process

EcoRobotik is aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. To continue working in accordance with our philosophy, obtaining our green business certification was important to address the challenges of global warming. Avondale, Arizona’s Green Business Program provides training and information to keep companies up to date with the latest sustainability practices.

Our certification process began by completing an application, which can be easily downloaded from the program’s website.

Joining this program provided us valuable promotion through the city’s social media, website, RAVE magazine and other outlets. We also received a framed certificate and an identifying decal validating us as a green business, as well as networking opportunities with others.

Our business has solar panels and a timer for our irrigation system (which counts as a smart irrigation controller) that we turn off when it rains. To qualify, we had to meet at least one category (water, energy, waste, pollution prevention).

Finally, we received our green business logo. The people from Avondale’s green business program supported and guided us through the process, answered our questions, and in a short time, the process was complete!

We are happy to be part of the green community, and we invite you to join us in providing environmental solutions.

Let’s build the future together!

Gabriela Gabaldón