Bio revolution: applications

Bio revolution: applications

Bio revolution: applications Nov 12 In the last article of the blog, we learned about the bio revolution and how this technology is changing the way we grow food, find cures for diseases, pursue environmental sustainability, among other current challenges. In this...
Green technology and the environment

Green technology and the environment

Green technology and the environment Nov 30 What is the key role of this technology in our efforts to make a positive impact in the future? One day you open your browser and search the news one morning. As you scroll through the events happening in the world, one...
The Role of Sensors in Robotics

The Role of Sensors in Robotics

The Role of Sensors in Robotics Jun 17 The human senses are a bridge between people and the environment, and they allow us to understand and adapt quickly to external stimuli. Our human senses are like sensors in machines. For example, human sight helps us determine...